Often required as part of a planning application, ecological surveys identify the habitats and/or species that exist within an area at the time of the survey.

Early identification of any ecological constraints ensures that development proposals are not delayed and appropriate mitigation or compensation is incorporated into the design phase.

Purpose of ecological surveys

• The developer or applicants are aware of any ecological constraints at an early stage.
• Designed to minimise impacts on biodiversity.
• Any legally protected species (European or British) or notable species will be identified so that the development can avoid or minimise impacts on them.
• The design of mitigation and enhancement measures will be appropriate to the site and surrounding area.
• The local planning authority can consider all the relevant material considerations whilst determining an application.
• Planning applications

We can help development proposals that need to consider the impact that the building will have on the biodiversity within the site, or close to it.

A preliminary ecological appraisal may be required, typically an Extended Phase I Habitat Survey (Joint Nature Conservation Committee, 2010; Institute of Environmental Assessment 1995).

We will ensure that the appropriate information is available to determine an application.

For further information contact us on  01372 438 039 or fill out the form below.