The BREEAM In-Use is a performance-based assessment method and certification scheme for existing non-domestic buildings to mitigate the operational impacts on the environment.

We are specialists in Breeam In-Use. It is invaluable to property investors, managing agents and owners wishing to measure and manage a building’s environmental performance.

The asset’s performance is optimised through informed management decisions.

The BREEAM In-Use assessment

Part 1 – Asset Performance: the performance of the asset’s construction.

Part 2 – Building Management: the management of the asset.

Part 3 – Occupier Management: the management of building users and services.

The final outcome of a BREEAM In-Use assessment is a certified BREEAM In-Use rating for the Part against which an assessment is undertaken. This certified BREEAM In-Use rating reflects the asset’s performance across the environmental categories listed in Table 1. It enables the performance of the asset to be benchmarked but most importantly, the knowledge obtained from such a comprehensive assessment allows the asset’s performance to be optimised through informed management decisions. By enabling on-going assessments, BREEAM In-Use encourages continual improvement.

BREEAM In-use measures a range of criteria in each Part: Management, Health and Wellbeing, Energy, Transport, Water, Materials, Waste, Land Use and Ecology, and Pollution.

Furthermore, there are a number of elements that determine the overall performance of an In-Use project assessed using BREEAM In-Use International and they benefit investors, owners, landlords, facilities managers and occupiers by:

  • Reducing operational costs and increasing efficiency
  • Enhancing asset value and increasing market demand
  • Helping to attract tenants and occupiers
  • Improving the wellbeing, productivity and satisfaction of people working in the building
  • Helping bridge the ‘performance gap’ between modelled outputs and operational outputs
  • Providing independent third party certification of a building’s sustainability
  • Contributing to corporate social responsibility, business reporting and sustainable business leadership

For further information, contact us on 01372 438 039 or fill out the form below. 

Download our BREEAM In-Use Assessment service sheet here.